Bro. Richard Pinson………………..…..Transitions Nursing 90 Humbert Ln #103
Mother Myrtle Hardy…………..110 N. Hillside Dr. Apt. #108, Marksville, LA 71351
Mother Fredda Nelson……………………………………………….…815 S. Main St. #117
Dea. Martin Willis……………………………………..PO BX 398 Clarksville, PA 15322
Sis. Prestine Robinson…………………………………………………….590 Maple Terrace
Sharon Williams…………………………………………………………..440 Broad St. Apt. 3
Bro. Roosevelt McPhil…………………………………………………………Washington, PA
*Denotes Friends of Friendship Baptist Church
*Washington, PA 15301 unless otherwise denoted…
Please continue to keep these names in your prayers…